OFF Insect repellent Spray 1ozA liquid spray formulated with DEET (7%)Repels mosquitoes? biting flies? deer flies? fleas and gnats up to 2 hours from treated skin and clothing. DirectionsHold container 6 to 8 inches from skin or clothing and spray with slow sweeping motion. Do not use as a space spray. Use just enough repellent to cover exposed skin. Avoid overexposure. Frequent reapplication and saturation are unnecessary. Do not keep the product on any longer than necessary. After returning indoors? wash treated skin with soap and water.To apply to face: Spray palm of the hand and rub on. Do not apply to eyes and mouth and do not apply to the hands of young children.For maximum protection: Spread evenly with hand to moisten all exposed skin. Works on clothing too: Will does not damage cotton? wool or nylon.Cautionary InstructionsCauses eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes and lips. If the product comes into contact with eyes? flush eyes with plenty of water. Use sparingly on children. If you suspect that you or your child is reacting to this product? wash treated skin and consult a doctor. Do not apply to excessively sunburned or damaged skin. May cause skin reaction in rare cases.